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MYH has a goal to have sustainable and cost-effective structure of community outreach activities while at the same time providing immediate assistance to the community through these activities.




MYH provides a safe space for individuals to connect and share insights and knowledge through capacity buildings for the sustainability of the programs in the community, mental health talks, daily life sessions for example through the WASH program where both boys and girls learn about maintenance of Water Sanitation and Hygiene.


Visiting Programs

Home and school visits to the children and youth affiliated to MYH are done regularly to ensure that relationships and trust are built within the MYH family and meeting the parents of the players to update them on their children’s progress.



Working with community schools and organizations

MYH has partnered with organizations like Red Cross Uganda forming a link ship, amidist the continued COVID-19 crisis we took part in a Red Cross saving lives and livelihoods project to ensure vaccinations and community cleanup activities.

We also work with a few schools like Old Kampala Schools, Kazo Primary School School and OutSpan Primary School which have been some of the schools that give some of the education scholarship opportunities to players.

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