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Jovic M. Akankwasa

Legal Representative

Jovic holds the crucial role of Legal Representative within the organizational framework of Motion Youth Hub. In this capacity, Jovic's responsibilities encompass legal matters and representation on behalf of MYH. His role extends beyond the mere job description; it embodies a vision for a reimagined and improved Uganda, particularly concerning its youth.

Jovic's position as Legal Representative implies that he serves as the legal advocate and spokesperson for MYH. His duties involve navigating the complex legal landscape, ensuring that the organization adheres to all legal requirements, and representing MYH's interests when necessary. In essence, he stands as the legal guardian of MYH's mission and activities.

However, Jovic's commitment extends far beyond the confines of his job title. He is a visionary who sees a brighter future for the youth of Uganda. His vision transcends the legal aspects of his role and encompasses a broader perspective on societal reform. Jovic envisions a Uganda where young people have access to improved opportunities, education, healthcare, and a safe environment. He believes in empowering the youth to become active contributors to their communities and the nation as a whole.

Jovic's aspiration for a reformed Uganda reflects a deep sense of commitment to the well-being and progress of the youth. It underscores the idea that legal representation, in this context, is not just about following rules and regulations but about advocating for systemic changes that positively impact the lives of young people in Uganda.

Jovic M. Akankwasa
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